Chief Stew

Chief Stew required for 60+m MY - Private & occasional charter

We are looking for a Chief Stew from a 50+m or a candidate that has extensive experience as 2nd Stew/HOS on a larger yacht looking for their first Chief Stew role 

  • Candidates will be bright, full of personality and enjoy engaging with the guests/owner 

  • The yacht is predominantly private with occasional charter 

  • Interesting itinerary with the yacht visiting Northern Europe this summer and completing charters along the way 

  • Currently Caribbean / US side, B1 will be required 

  • Solid team on board in the interior and an excellent opposite Chief Stew 

  • Join March for a handover 

  • Salary 6500-7000 EURO 

  • 2:2 rotation 




Villa Co-Manager